"Heal the sick!" Quotes from William Lao of The Elijiah Challenge!
Here are some quotes from William Lao's workshops from the Elijah Challenge last month. Convicting and motivating stuff! Enjoy.
"The primary purpose of Jesus doing miracles was to prove to the lost that he was the actual Messiah, son of God."
"We should minister healing and miracles THE SAME WAY Jesus did them."
"Kings have the authority to command, they don't beg or ask. They move in authority.
Kings are bold and fearless.
Kings have actual power to destroy enemies or the works of the enemy."
"Jesus never prayed for God to heal the sick. He issued direct commands to things under His authority. Sickness and demons had to obey. "
"If we are going to do the works that Jesus did, we must learn when we should take authority and issue commands, and when we should pray to God."
"The gift of healing of the the sick is for believers and the building up of the church. The authority and power of a believer to heal the sick is for the demonstration of the deity of Jesus- for the salvation of the lost."
"Praying for the sick is safe and less likely to embarrass you as a believer. If God doesn't heal them, you did your part. BUT... if you try and heal the sick like Jesus did, it is risky and dangerous! However, leaning into what Jesus actually commanded is less risky than doing something he did ever ask you to do. (My personal fav)
"Praying for the sick is safe. Healing the sick takes major 'guts.'"
"Repentance and a renewed mind include the truth that Jesus was never and is never pleased with little faith. He fully expects us to be able to accomplish exactly what he said we would accomplish through his delegated authority."
"It is not always necessary to raise your voice when healing the sick. Authority isn’t always a loud shout."
"You’ve been given something you didn’t pay for (power and authority). God is serious about holding you accountable for what you have been given. [parable of the talents]"